A 1,5 nanosecond thought while greeting somebody
There is always some amount of embarrassment, hope, pure joy and confusion for me in the common greeting rituals. I come from a country of reversed, wretched cultural codes and long distances, where you greet your friends with a hand from 1,5 meters or hug with a person you just met, where a bird 5 years younger than you gives you a handshake, where you kiss with that bitch from high school you never exchanged a word before — where the greeting moment evokes kinda mixed emotions.
Imagine, how amazing it is to witness a plain, solid, warm, honest, one-for-all greeting ritual.
A simple action breaking my ice of personal space in a storm, bringing a strange and foreign for all the senses to discover.
And every time you move back after, you know a little bit more about a person. Bold, fragile, tender, joyful, anxious — any mixes and nuances come in a tactile interaction.
I still have my ice. I still wait for a storm. But some pieces of puzzle are coming together.